
Data & Predictive Analytics Consulting Services

Unleash the power of analytics and transition from being data-driven to becoming a more insight-driven Organization. Our experts leverage advanced analytics tools and techniques to unlock hidden opportunities and insights. We help some of the world’s leading organizations prepare for future trends and achieve a distinct competitive edge.

What We Do

AI and data science-powered solutions to meet the demands for robust decision-making and changing stakeholder needs. We help organizations improve the quality of strategic decisions from insights uncovered in their data. We help organizations go from data to insights that power their strategy and operations through the application of machine learning and AI. Our flagship service implemented in several leading organizations includes the application of machine learning in Early Warning System Models for strategy, strategic initiatives management, performance management, and risk management, and in Decision Support Systems Models that proactively track performance at all levels of the organization and detects the onset of performance anomalies and therefore enables executives to respond proactively to manage both risk and performance.

APEX - Performance Analytics

APEX - Achieving Performance Excellence

Data Analytics Academy

Get your Analytics Teams to master the strategic decision-making skills for the people, platforms, and processes required to leverage the power of Data Science in your business.

Our Stories

Events at Prognoz.ai

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